SOP Field Documentation

1.       PURPOSE (TUJUAN):
·         To provide guideline for The Supervisor/Wellsite engineer how to safety and well performing field documentation. (Untuk memberikan pedoman bagi para Pengawas/ Wellsite dalam pendokumentasian di lapangan dengan baik dan benar).
·         Provide guideline for The Supervisor/Wellsite to controlling and managing field documentation. (Untuk memberikan pedoman bagi Para Pengawas/Engineer Wellsite dalam mengontrol dan mengatur Pengambilan dokumentasi lapangan).

2.       SCOPE (CAKUPAN):
·         The guideline define requirements field documentation such as photo and field document. (Pedoman ini menetapkan persyaratan untuk dokumentasi di lapangan seperti foto dan dokumen lapangan).
·         The guideline includes term of field documentation such as sampling and drilling log. (Pedoman ini mencakup persyaratan dokumentasi sampel di lapangan dan persyaratan dokumentasi log pengeboran).

ü  Responsibilty (Tanggung Jawab)
·         Supervisor/Wellsite (Pengawas/ Wellsite)
·         Operator/Driller (Operator/Juru Bor)
·         Quality Control (Quality Control)
·         Project Manager (Manajer Proyek)
·         Operasional Manager (Manajer Operasi)

ü  Pre- requirement / Pra-persyaratan :
·         Experienced Supervisor (Supervisor yang berpengalaman)
·         Experienced worker (Pekerjaan yang pengalaman)

ü  Personal Protecting Equipment:
·         Safety Shoes (Sepatu Keselamatan)
·         Helmet (Helm)
·         Cotton gloves (Sarung Tangan Katun)
·         Safety glasses (Kacamata Keselamatan)
·         Coverall (Baju Kerja)

ü  Special Requirement/Persyaratan Spesial:
·         Camera (Kamera)
·         Munsell Color Chart (Kolom Warna Munsell)
·         Spacer or Depth Label (Label Kedalaman)
·         Measurement Tool (Meteran)

ü  Corebox is storage box of core sample during drilling composed by sequentelly by recent drilling depth. (Corebox adalah tempat penyimpanan inti sample yang disusun sesuai urutan kedalaman sebenarnya).
ü  Munsell Color Chart is standarization of color classification for soil description that refer to Munsell Color System It was created by Professor Albert H. Munsell . (Grafik Warna Munsell adalah klasifikasi warna untuk deksripsi tanah yang mengacu pada Sistem Warna Munsell yang diciptakan oleh Professor Albert H. Munsell).
ü  Spacer is wood, plastic or paper material that used to labelling depth, sample mark, and Standart Penetration Test. (Pemisah adalah material kayu, plastik, atau kertas yang digunakan untuk memberikan penanda kedalaman, sampel, dan tes penetrasi).

a.       Drilling Activity
5.a.1           Documentation Pre Drilling
a.       Ensure PPE standard have been used
b.       Perform Toolbox Talk
c.        Ensuring borehole area and point have been marked and using barricade tape to marking area.
d.       capturing picture when rig mechine moving to borehole point.
e.        Ensure when capturing photograph, number or hole code are included at photo as detail.
f.        Finish
5.a.2           Documentation During Preparation and Drilling
a.       Ensure PPE standard have been used
b.       Perform Toolbox Talk
c.        You may capturing photograph while preparation and drilling started and using label (see table 1) as display-such as preparation for mudpit and setup drilling.
d.       Finish
5.a.3           Documentation Post Drilling
a.       Ensure PPE standard have been used
b.       Perform Toolbox Talk
c.        After conduct housekeeping and install drill plug, borehole point must be barrier with barricade and marking as borehole id as detail for photograph was taken.
d.       Photograph must be representing the area condition after drilling
e.        Finish
b.       Sampling Actifities
5.b.1           Core Run
a.       Ensure PPE standard have been used
a.       Conducting Toolbox Talk and explain to the team what the goals.
b.       Ensuring borehole area and point have been marked and using barricade tape to marking area.
c.        Core run photograph after drilling should be conducted during core replacement to pvc
d.       Marking and labelling core run sample and use measurement meter to measuring core recovery.
e.        Set label core run at above of core run sample and  recorded to field documentation. Such as sampling SPT, UDS and DS (including NMC if required)
f.        Prior documentation, set Munsell Color Chart as well as length of sample and mark top and bottom as real condition.
g.        Performing visual description of core sample according client requirement standard (Could be ASTM, AS, BS and etc).
h.       Ensure when you taking photograph, number or hole code are included as photo detail.
i.         Transferred your data to your Quality Control or drafter when your job have been done or your borehole terminated and ready for prelimination report and logging report.
j.         Additional action, sometimes when your borehole have been done or terminated, saving your data to your computer to make sure all field documentation was secured.
5.b.2           Corebox
a.       Ensure PPE have been suitable and used.
b.       Performing Toolbox Talk to explain the job
c.        Prepare corebox with No. Hole and Depth have been marked
d.       After core sampling have been done, put core sample to corebox and arrange depend on correct depth.
e.        Using sample spacer to marking sampling depth as well as.
f.        Put measure meter and Munsell Color Chart to the top on corebox
g.        Take photograph the corebox when fully sample.
5.b.3           Standard Penetration Test
a.       Using Proper PPE
b.       Carefully crowing sample from SPT plit spoon
c.        Cut in half that SPT sample and ensuring sample has original tamplate.
d.       Prepare label, measure meter, and Munsell Color Chart

e.        Take a photo of SPT sample.
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